Custom Fields
By clicking on the Custom Fields Tab, you can create as many Custom Fields as you like for all of your cases or clients. There are eight entities listed in this tab for which custom fields can be added to fit the needs of certain contacts or cases.

Click on the desired custom field and the respective page opens with provisions to create more Custom Fields or group them using Custom Field Group.

To add a new Custom Field, click on the ‘Add’ button under the Custom Field tab. The below page appears.

Give a suitable name to the custom field and select the type and order and other details prompted. PageLightPrime also gives the flexibility of displaying a Particular field only when needed or to always have it visible always.
Click “Save” once done.
When creating custom fields, you can have any number of individual custom fields grouped together for your convenience. There is a way to group custom fields together so you can just click on one button and have all the individual fields populate for any custom field group. To do this, click on the ‘Add’ button under the Custom Field Group tab. The below page appears.

Click ‘Add’ to create a new Custom Field Group.

Give the suitable Field group name and order and select the custom fields to be grouped and click Save.
Follow the similar process for any Custom Field.